Chris and I have moved! However the house that we moved into was a complete mess. My parents have been remodeling it. (it is their rent house) In fact it is still not done at all but we are living there in the parts that are livable. Anyways all that to say that this week we finally put up a few things that would make us feel more at home. Trust me it was bad and still has ALOT of work that needs to be done. It really helped feel like home to get the Christmas tree up. Chris put the tree together while I made these chocolate balls things for Chris's Starbucks. I got very Betty Crocker this week.

Also we had a Ultrasound this week. The girls looked GREAT, in fact they said that they looked so good we didn't need to have another ultrasound for four more weeks. Which is sad that we won't get to see them for a while but so good to hear that they are doing great. Kinley is 1 pound 11 oz and Madelyn is 1 pound 12 oz. I'm doing good just getting bigger and bigger. Madelyn has taken up shop in my ribs, which feels HORRIBLE. My doctor says they are probably bruised and didn't seem to think that it would get alot better. FUN!!! Chris's birthday is tomorrow and we are taking maternity pictures. I hope they come out ok.
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hey lil mama!!! your tree is beeeeautiful! i'm totally coming over SOON to see the new place! happy birthday to CHRIS!!! hope he is feeling better--no fun to be sick--especially on your bday. :( oh, and i expect some of those chocolate balls in your hands the next time i see you!YUMMMMMO! lil miss betty crocker--who knew! i also have to chat with little miss kinley and tell her that mama needs to breathe! and it would be so nice of her to inch down a tad! ;) love you...miss you!!!
Love your tree! So glad you two are settling in! Tell Chris Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Hope Kinley gives mama a chance to breathe a little :) Love the tree and the treats look yummy :o
Hi Liz,
I found you blog link on the Gerwer's blog. I have followed theirs and the Steece's blog since before the babies were born. One of my daughters went to school with Casey. I noticed that you went to ACU. My 3 youngest went to Hardin Simmons, so I am very familiar with Abilene.
I think it is so cool that you are having twins. It will be a piece of cake for you after helping take care of four.
Congratulations and have a blessed Christmas.
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