Here are the girls last year! Crazy!

Every year there is a parade, It is a VERY small parade but we ALWAYS go. It has all the small town charm you could ever want! It only last about 15 minutes.
Poppy trying to keep the girls cool!

My uncle owns one of the buildings downtown along the parade route so we decided to watch the parade in the A/C. THANK GOODNESS!
Mimi playing with K

It's starting! They had their sirens going, M and K weren't sure about that part. Kinley doesn't really care for loud noises.

I had to run down and take a picture of everyone watching the parade from the window...Ok, and I made sure to grab some suckers for the girls that the people in the parade were throwing.

The girls were much more interested in the suckers than the parade

My family eating!

After lunch we decided to go play at the Ranch for a little bit. Madelyn and Kinley thought this little stagecoach was the best playground. Played in it most of the time.

Alex, the girls 2nd (I think) cousin came to play! He is a week younger than M and K.

Kinley and Alex

We actually got them to sit still for a sec!

Someone gave the girls cups with ice...they thought this was the best ever

It was so nice this year that they could enjoy being there more. They LOVED getting into everything and getting dirty. Mama didn't but they sure did.

Kinley "riding" Sambo

They spent a lot of time like this with Poppy.

My Twin aunts and my twins! Love getting this picture every year.

Over this weekend the girls starting "kissing". One of my favorite things they do.

Madelyn is my little dare devil and LOVES being thrown around.

The Twins with Uncle Ray

If you look closely you can see Poppy and the girls standing up on top. They were watching all the horses. They can't wait to take a ride!

I just loved this picture of Madelyn

We had a wonderful time even if it was SOOOOO hot! I am so glad to get to take my girls there and start making some of the same memories I had as a child.