Sorry it's been so long since I have actually posted anything. It's been a little crazy during the holidays and I have not been able to update.
Chris left this morning to a Youth minister conference and to go snowboarding in Colorado for a week.

Yep that right, he left his pregnant wife home while he went to have fun. Just kidding, I would have gone but my doctor said it was probably best not to. So Chris left with some of our best friends to have fun! Well have fun, Tarrant (that's what I call Chris because there are so many Chris's) it's the last time for a while. HA! Speaking of him leaving, I had asked him to download all our Christmas pictures before he left so I could post them but I guess he forgot and he has the camera.
I had a doctor's appointment today so I took my mom to see the girls. Well sort of...they were both turned where we could not see their faces. The doctor didn't even print us any pictures cause there was not a lot to see. We did find out their weights.....
I have over six pounds of baby in my stomach!!! Thats six bags of sugar! No wonder I'm tired!!!!

We are really starting to work on their room now because I'm starting to get nervous about getting everything done. We have cribs but have had lots of problems with getting pieces that are broken. So annoying!!!!

Those are AMAZING weights! Shoot i delivered at 29 weeks and mine werent even close to that!
Keep it up mama!! Cant wait to see you!
i swear i'm going to invite myself over and let myself in the front door one of these days! so excited for you guys! love you
Great weights!
Glad Chris got to squeeze in one more trip for a while! lol
Keep up the good work momma!!
Wow...time is flying! I know you are just so excited! Remember to get lots of doesn't matter how much you get you will always need/want more so stock up all you can now. Happy New Year!
Of course I remember Liz!! :) Congratulations on being pregnant with twins, what a huge blessing!! Thanks for the sweet words, one thing Brian and I've tried to learn these past few years of infertility is to be prepared when God asks you to do something. We aren't sure if he's asking for us to adopt this baby right now, but we couldn't let an opportunity to listen to his will pass us by! Thanks for commenting and keeping us in your prayers, we'll do the same for you!! :)
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