Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fabulous! (F week)

You know what is fun, walking out of Walmart and realize you just told your 2 year old..."We are going to go home and learn some more F words" And looking over and seeing the older greeter look at me like I was a horrible mom!!! Totally happened! It was pretty bad but funny I have to admit!

Showing our FINGERS!

Painting our letter F's with our FINGER prints...the girls liked this way more than I thought!

FISHING for FISHES...Celery, with peanut butter and goldfish. 
This kept them busy, a great rainy day thing!

I have been trying harder to get them to learn what the letters look like instead of just what words start with the letter. I had them jump from F to F.

On another day we headed to Wal=Mart to look at all the flowers. 
Each girl picked out  flowers to take home for our porch. 

Madelyn and her Flowers. 

Kinley! The girls loved their flowers and would just sit on the porch with them!

We also went to look at all the FISHES! They loved this so much we.... 
brought one home!!!!
Getting the FISH bowl ready. 

We had to give the FISH a F name....
Meet FREDDIE the FISH!!!
Freddie the fish now lives in the girls bathroom. They will just go watch him sometimes. The first couple of days they would spend over 30 mins just watching him swim around. One of the best 5 dollar toys ever!

We also made FRENCH toast for lunch that day!

They are really getting into cooking lately. Especially Madelyn. 
Our family has had a ROUGH week...I am sure I will blog about it later but that is one reason I am behind. We did the Letter G and H but then have taken a few weeks off from letters. Really hoping next week we start again!


Janet said...

You are so creative. I always love reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! I hope Freddie lives longer than Dory did :( My family laughed at me for getting meds for him from the pet store. Unfortunately, they didn't work.