We spent time feeding the girls and we actually got to put them in clothes for the first time. It was so much fun getting to see them in regular clothes.


They were both so cute in their pink little outfits for about two minutes. I looked over at Madelyn and she was spitting up all over herself and her clothes. I was trying to find a rag or something to clean her up and couldn't find one. I ask Chris to check Kinley's bed for one and he says she is throwing up too. We find some more clothes, change the girls and in about 10 minutes Kinley poops through her second set of PJ's. They had put newborn diapers on them instead of preemie. They are too big and they just kept leaking everywhere. All we could do was laugh and say welcome to our new life! I love it!!!!
At the shift change we had to leave because the NICU is closed for hour. Chris and I had a date at the hospital.

After going back to the NICU we feed and put the girls to bed. We were so tired we decided to go home and sleep. We walked into the door and found our table set with our wedding china (we have never used) and my mom had ordered us dinner. It was amazing.

Overall it was the best Valentine's day ever! Thanks mom for the nice dinner!
The girls are doing well in the NICU. We are really trying hard to take the bottle every feed in addition to breastfeeding. It's going ok, neither one is doing amazing at taking the bottle but we will get there. I am so ready for them to come home. Kinley made it over 4 pounds today, hopefully she will stay there.
I am still recovering but I did find out that my blood pressure was still high. I am taking medicine for six weeks, and it's already going down. I was also having some issues with swelling. Thanks to some tension hose I finally have my ankles back. YAY!!!
I love the fact your mother came and organised dinner, what a beautiful surprise to end a wonderful week.
What a great gift your mother gave you!! How sweet!!
I love the first family pic too! Sounds like you had a wonderful VDay and you both deserve it!!!
Hope your BP stays down!!
awwwwwwwww! what a GREAT V-day!!! your mom is the BEST! love her! the girls look SO flippin' cute in their outfits (and look SO much alike, btw!)...i must admit, i was laughing outloud at the part where they spit up, changed outfits, then pooped on their NEW outfit....omg....totally takes me back! stock up on SHOUT and DREFT! (i got ya started on the dreft! ha!)
love you!
Hi! The twins are BEAUTIFUL!! What a sweet thing your mother did for the two of you. We hope the twins get to come home very soon. You are BLESSED :o)
Hey Liz! It's Amanda Phillips (now Kennedy) from AHS! I saw your blog address on facebook and thought I would swing by and congratulate you and Chris!!! Your girls are beautiful!!!
what a wondeful valentine's day! you look so incredible! and the babies are too cute!
Liz- they are beautiful! And you look great! That sounds like a great Valentine's Day to me, and they look adorable in their little outfits. I hope they get to come home soon, I'm sure it's a pain going back and forth.
What a great Valentine's Day! K and M looks so adorable! You and Chris have such amazing attitudes. Thanks for being such a wonderful example of Christian parents ALREADY!
Love you guys!
The girls look so cute. I remember the day we finally got to put real clothes on our girls. I have 8 and half month old twin girls. I have 2 pink twin onsies that I bought when I was pregant but since they were so early they never fit into them at the right season, and I trid them on them today and they don't fit. They onsies are 0-3 months which is what we are wearing now but they run small. Anyways, if you would like to e-mail me your address I would LOVE to send them to you. I want someone with twin girls to get them. They have never been worn. my e-mail address is brown020704@yahoo.com
Your mom totally rocks! Glad she organized a special evening for you two...you totally deserve it! Love the pink outfits too.
At home sick today an while I was blog surfing I found your blog and oh my goodness married with 2 beautiful babies!! Congrats!! Looks like things are going well for you! Best of luck with the new family!
I am sure I want to give the onsies to you. Your precious angels will look too cute in them. I will mail them to you as soon as you send me your address. I am praying daily for your angels.
Liz! I am so glad I found your blog! I wanna read all your updates on your precious twin princesses! Praying for a fast trip home from the NICU. They look PERFECT! You are blessed, Mommy.
Adding you to my blog list so I can blog stalk you ;) lol
Your girls are adorable! My twins were 34 weekers and just a little smaller than your girls. They will be home in no time and that's when the fun really begins! I'm also going to add you to my blogroll so I can stalk you for pictures of those cute twincesses.
How amazing how your life changes, right? Beautiful girls, they look so different from their first pics already. CANT WAIT TO MEET THEM!!
How precious.....thank you for sharing. Please do keep us posted on your angels!
What a wonderful and sweet gesture from your mom! I got chills reading it! The girls are beautiful. As my babies are getting ready to turn 1 on Wednesday, I enjoy reading your experiences and going back to that place when they were so little. ENJOY every moment!!
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