Chris holding both girls for first time!

The night went great. The girls took all their bottles and did amazing! The doctor came in and said well you are going home today with BOTH GIRLS! Kinley does have some drainage in her right ear and is on drops. It is looking much better already.
Madelyn getting ready to go home.


The Tarrant's going home for the first time together!
(horrible picture of me but oh well)

The girls are doing wonderful at home and we are loving having everyone under the same roof. Chris had to work at four in the morning at the buck so I had the 2 and 5 feeding by myself. I have to say thanks to the Gerwers for giving me lots of practice when I was their night nanny. It was not too bad though. It's wonderful having the girls home and it actually feels like they are our babies now.

Congrats! That's exciting you got to bring them both home!
Welcome to Motherhood!
- I found you on Suz's site! I love reading about her quads.
Too Cute! That brings back sooooo many memories. We had to do carseat tests, and we had to room infor 2 nights, and we have several pictures of our girls snuggled up in the same boppy. I hope everything is going great. It is much better being at home and not having to say goodbye to them everyday. I still need your address when you get a chance to e-mail me brown020704@yahoo.com
By the way, Congratulations!
This post brought tears to my eyes...our girls are just a week away from their first birthday and seeing the two of them in that boppy brings back so many sweet (sleepy) memories! You give those babies lots of hugs and kisses and I hope you enjoy their tiny-ness! :) Oh, and I remember doing the night feeding by myself too....
Yay!!!!!!! You look amazing! I think that's a precious family pic. How wonderful to have them home. :0)
i know i've told you about a billion times already, but we are SOOOOOO happy for you guys!!! LOVE the famiily pic--you look awesome! SO glad you have both girls under your roof where they belong! look at you already doing the 2 and 5 by yourself!!! i think of yall about a TRILLION times a day!!! love you...kiss those girls for me!!!
What precious little girls! So glad ya'll are all home together.
Good luck and can't wait to see more pictures.
I'm so glad they are home with you guys where they belong! They are beautiful!
Liz, I am so excited for you! Your babies are precious and I am so happy they are doing great! Sounds like you are doing fabulous too! Good job, Mommy! Wish you lived in Abilene so I could come hold them.. :(
YEAH!!! How exciting to have them both home!!
They are just adorable...love the family pic!!!
Praise God....what blessings!!!
Yay that they're home!!! Congratulations!! When they get a little older and they have a good suck, if you're still using bottles, I highly recommend Podees. It's hands free feeding and really made my life so much easier to keep them on the same schedule. Anyway, congrats again on your beautiful family!!
Glad the Steece's and Gerwer's gave you a little practice ;) Hope the girlies do wonderful this weekend! Welcome home!
Congratulations! They look so cute!
SO PROUD OF YOU BOTH, CHRIS AND ELIZABETH! KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! Ahhh. Steven and I will never forget that night of rooming in... Scarey but oh so worth it!!!! God is SO GOOD!!!
WOW look how much they have already changed!!! They are BEAUTIFUL! I mean seriously cute!!!
We THANK YOU for getting us through those beginning nights... WE LOVE YOU AND CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!
We are long time fans of Suz and her Quads! We have twenty-one month old twin girls who were also in the NICU. It is so awesome when they finally come home after having the empty house waiting for them! Enjoy these first few days!!!!
-They look too cute in their car seats!
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