The girls are 8 months old!!! We have had a horrible last two weeks. The first week of the stomach bug Kinley was so sick for over 4 days, I thought Madelyn just got a light case of it...I was wrong she waited till the next week!!! These pictures were taken during the two days between the girl's sickness! Poor Madelyn I thought she was better then Sunday we woke up to complete leakage of the diaper! It was horrible. She has lost weight just like her sister. I think they are around 13 pounds. Her face seems much less full and her pants don't fit!
Madelyn (left) Kinley (right)

Kinley (left) Madelyn (right)
Loved all the pumpkins

I love these two pictures. Kinley is so interested in what her sister is doing.


Size 1 diapers
0-3 month clothes
Size 1 shoes
Seems like some what of a picky eater.
likes peaches, apples, pears, carrots
dislikes peas
HATES bananas
Pretty good sitter
Laughing more but you really have to work for it
has said da da
6 oz bottles 4 times a day
Very Active
loves walks
Rocking on knees...sort of


Size one diapers
0-3 Month clothes
Size 1 shoes
So much better at eating solid food then she was! Except this week not eating at all.
Likes Peaches, Apples, Peas, Carrots
Dislikes Bananas, not so crazy about pears
Completely happy to just roll places
Muscles are stiff when we try to make her sit. Getting better though.
takes 6 oz every 4 hours
Cuddly most of the time.
Loves walks.


Size one diapers
0-3 Month clothes
Size 1 shoes
So much better at eating solid food then she was! Except this week not eating at all.
Likes Peaches, Apples, Peas, Carrots
Dislikes Bananas, not so crazy about pears
Completely happy to just roll places
Muscles are stiff when we try to make her sit. Getting better though.
takes 6 oz every 4 hours
Cuddly most of the time.
Loves walks.

Sorry for the lack of posting this week. I have been lucky to check email over the last couple weeks! They are super needy lately. Kinley is days (i think) from crawling..well at least her version of it. Baby proofing is needed quickly!!!! The girls have official Halloween costumes and have worn them once! We took no pictures so I guess you all have to wait!

Sorry for the lack of posting this week. I have been lucky to check email over the last couple weeks! They are super needy lately. Kinley is days (i think) from crawling..well at least her version of it. Baby proofing is needed quickly!!!! The girls have official Halloween costumes and have worn them once! We took no pictures so I guess you all have to wait!

bring those girls over and we'll have them running in no time! ha. so sorry that the girls have been so sick lately. that is SOOOOO hard for mama. the pumpkin patch pics are PRICELESS!!! soooooo precious! they look older, even from the last time i saw them! can't wait for our date on thursday!!!! love you!
Love the pumpkin pics! Adorable! Sounds like they have made a lot of progress over the last month! Hate that they were sick... poor babies! (Can't believe you might have a crawler soon! We're at least a few weeks away!)
They are SO CUTE in all the pictures :)
I love these pictures! Every time I think I have a favorite picture of them...they take cuter ones! We have so much scrap booking to catch up on! WOW! Crawling??? You better get to that baby proofing...that and the no sleeping will be one of the harder things for us to adjust to in this house!
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