Some of you have asked where I get the tutu's from...some of my friends and I started making them while back. At first I was just making them for my girls and people around here but it has branched out a bit. We call our business The Painted Daisies! Of course my girls are models. I promise later in life they are going to scream when they see tulle! It has made for some cute and/or interesting pictures! I figured that since my girls spend some (a lot) of their time doing this I would post some pictures!

We thought we would give one away! If you are interested just go to our website and come back and tell me which one you like! It is that easy. The giveaway ends next wednesday Oct. 21. Which gives you plenty of time to get the tutu before Halloween! The winner will be picked at random.
All that being said...We have made halloween tutus for lots of other kids but my kids don't know what they are going to be. Any suggestions???

My sister mentioned just the other day that you make tutus, but I didn't know you had a shop. They're really cute. My favorite is the Baby Rocker Infant Tutu.
Love the black green and purple witch tutu.
I havbe to say I love the black, gree, purple witch tutu! All of them are very cute though!
The scarecrow tutu is absolutely adorable!
I like hte black, green and prple withch tutu.
omg liz!!! those are adorable!!! that angel tutu is TOOOOO TOOOO cute! and those models are irresistible!
halloween ideas:
a cute feisty pair of bumblebees (you could make a CUTE bumblebee tutu); or ladybugs, butterflies, flowers, fairy princesses---all of those would be fairly easy to throw together quickly
can't wait to see them!!! LOVE YOU!
They are all so adorable! I have a friend due any time now and I'm thinking the angel or scarecrow would be perfect for some newborn pictures.
And your models just get cuter and cuter!
I love the baby rocker tutu! You couldn't have two more adorable models for your business!!
My favorite is the Rocker and the Scarecrow tutu's. You are very creative. Good luck with the business.
OMG Liz they are all so cute! I love the Rose Colored Tutu Dress!
Halloween costumes ideas: I always dress my kids matching so I have a couple ideas lol Last year they were an angel (in a tutu halter dress with halo, wings, etc) and a devil (in a red and black tutu with tail, horns, etc). This year we are not using tutus again but they are being a monkey and a banana :) I also like the ladybug/bumblebee idea! Can't wait to see what you pick! :)
I just love them all! SO cute! My favorite is the Black and Pink Infant Tutu. But I have a toddler so would that work on her?
I also like the brown with daisy.
I love the scarecrow infant tutu! Such a cute picture outfit!
Love, Love, Love all the Tutus but if I had to pick a fav, I would pick the black and pink tutu...oh my gosh, how cute. My sweetie pie would look adorable in it!
I have two favorites... the pink one with the zebra bow, and the one that they are in the chair outside. Sooo cute! Good luck with selling them.
Oh these are just adorable!! I really love the black and pink one!! And that crochet hat with the flower is so stinkin' cute!! Great work!
I love the ladybug infant tutu...absolutely adorable!
Love love the infant tutu's of any color. I love the colored ones too, but I am due in march and we just found out it's a girl! So I would love a cute girly girl color. I may have to order one if we don't win!!!
I LOVE the Black & Pink one!! These are all super cute...along with the models :)
Love the hot pink and black tutus--adorable!
We have the same paisley sheets! lol
Precious! Y'all are so talented... and so sweet to give one away! Do I really have to choose a favorite?!? I'd have to say the brown one!
My favorite one is the bumblebee one, mostly because my college colors are gold and black.
I like two of them. The scarecrow tutu and the hot pink rocker tut.
The tutus are adorable. I love the scarecrow tutu.
My girls would love the White Tutu with Polka Dotted Ribbon. Thanks!
I am writing all the way from Scotland and I love your little tutus. I love the little black, green and purple witch tutu.
For halloween ideas -
You could do two of the seasons - winter and summer.
You could do either two of the same animal or two different (I think that zebra would be cute).
I would love to get one of your tutus so can you let me know if you would be willing to ship to Scotland
Lovely tutus! I may order one!
Just wondering, do your girls have some sort of syndrome that causes their eyes to bulge out like they do? I only ask because my friend's daughter's eyes bulge out just like that too and she was recently diagnosed with a syndrome.
I love the baby rocker infant tutu. They are all so cute though. Great job on making them!
I like the infant blue tutu! (although it was hard to decide- they are all so cute!)
Liz--You are so talented! LOVE LOVE LOVE the ladybug infant far as Halloween goes, what about dressing them up as flowers? One could be a daisy, the other a rose...something like that.
Good luck deciding, and make sure to show us pictures!
Wow These tutu's are almost as cute as those two little ones! You are a LUCKY Mommy!! I love the black and Pink tutu.
They are all very cute! My favorite would have to be the Angel tutu in white!
Love love love the tutus! Your girls are so precious as the models. I love the brown tutu with the pink daisy and the infant lady bug tutu. You are so talented!
How cute! My favorite is the black and pink infant tutu. I now have week old twin nieces and I can just see this aunt spoiling them with cute tutus!
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