Primal Defense For Kids

That is right, the girls have been sick for almost a month! Poor Madelyn is getting the brunt of this…It is just so sad. They will have a few days of being better than we are back to being sick again. This week Monday night, Tuesday and Wednesday the girls were acting great. Then this morning we were getting ready for the day and WHAM poor Madelyn gets sick. again Poor little girl’s bottom just now was getting better. We have been doing everything you can do for a toddler with diarrhea, which isn’t much. We are starting a natural supplement today that is supposed to help (thanks Amber) I sure hope it does because I don’t know how much more we can take.
During the last couple of weeks, when the girls are feeling better we try to do a few things that are fun…
Aunt Bucket (that is what the girls call her) came to visit!
During spring break we were supposed to go visit Becca (my college roommate) along with visiting our good friends The Huttons but had to change plans when this mama didn’t want to travel with two babies that kept leaking out of their diapers…So Becca decided she was going to come here. I think the best part was having a extra pair of hands for a couple days.
We also had dinner with the Steece’s! We had such a good time visiting. The girls are in love with the quads and follow them around and do whatever they do. Kinley and Madelyn talk about Sabi, E-bud, Ben, Drew, Auntie Suz and Uncle Joe ALL the time!! They ADORE Savi, Kinley has named all of her babies and stuffed animals Sabi.
Chris snapped this picture with his phone
I love that our kids get to play together. It is so much fun watching them run around. I hope they will be friends for a long time…maybe even little boyfriends ;)
I wanted to add this picture for everyone that gives me a hard time about dressing the twins alike all the time…officially I think dressing them alike it tons easier.
Amy this is for you!!!
The girls were so hyper from getting to go to church this day that Mimi had to sit with them so they would stop long enough for a picture.
We have tried about a thousand things to keep the girls entertained at home since we haven’t been able to leave much in the last month. They have started loving to color. I mean for long periods of time they will sit and color. It is great, most of the time. Kinley decided that our dining room table needed some color…
I would like to add that this was on their Daddy’s watch while mommy was on a MUCH needed girls night!
We are hoping the new vitamins work and we can get out and enjoy some of this beautiful weather before it gets too hot!
We were sporting our Green today! However the Tarrant household evidently needs to add some more green into their wardrobe! I had to search hard!
My girls!
Madelyn decided right after the pictures were taken that she was not done being sick!! Seriously we can’t shake this stuff!!!!
Madelyn not feeling well.
Here are the girls on their first St. Patrick’s Day. They had only been home a few weeks! My sweet little bitties!
The last two weeks at our house has consisted of a lot of laundry!!! I mean a ton, the girls have made sure if it is fabric it has been washed…a few things even just got thrown out. Sheets, oneies, towels, sheets, bumper pads, bears, baby dolls, dora dolls, boppy pillows have all had a turn in the washer.
The girls are still sick!! Sunday made it two weeks, that they have had diarrhea and the occasionally bouts of throwing up. At least every other morning Chris and I (or just me, depending if he has left for work) are met with at LEAST one extreme blow out and one throw up. One early morning (5 am) I walk by the girls room only to hear a bubbly/water sound (not good either way) and I go in. Madelyn was covered in diarrhea from her neck to her toes. Not kidding it was gross, as I was trying to decide how to tackle this and possibly leave Kinley to sleep. Kinley stands up and starts talking about soup…She had thrown up everything that she had eaten the night before. We decided to just put them in the tub, because honestly don’t know how else to clean up all this mess. They looked every confused to be in the bath in the morning. Everything is getting cleaned up and then Madelyn starts vomiting, then Kinley! It was crazy here! Oh also I came down with a HORRIBLE sinus infection in the middle of all this and didn’t have a voice. We are truly a mess in the Tarrant household.
In the midst of all this we had a 2 year old check up (stats later) and the pedi decided that we needed to do a stool sample…OMG! Hardest thing, hands down I have done as a mom thus far. I won’t go into anymore details because oh my DISGUSTING!!! She said if we got worse to take Madelyn (she was the worst) into the Children’s ER during the weekend. Well it did get worse, much worse. Poor little girl was so sad! She just was laying around lethargic and limp Saturday morning. My mom came over and we decided she needed to go in. Chris was at work. After calling Sandi (family friend, and our preacher’s wife) we found a place less than a mile away to take Kinley. Thank you!
Poor little Miss didn’t feel well at all.
After we got checked in and in a room…They wanted us to get more samples…it was a nightmare. I am pretty sure Madelyn screamed the entire time. She was in pain, not feeling well and needed a nap! She just wanted us to leave her alone!
They gave her some anti-nausea medicine for the throwing up and made her drink while we were there. She tried so hard to fall asleep but everyone kept bothering her.
She got so mad at the gown (it was way to big) and we finally just took it off.
they finally let us get her dressed and were basically waiting to see if she threw up anymore. She didn’t but she crashed waiting to go home.
Sunday actually got worse and we almost took her back to the ER. She was not eating or drinking and just wanted to sleep. I finally got her to drink a tiny amount. Kinley threw up a few more times also, so we were back at both of them being sick!
Madelyn wanted to get outside so bad she insisted on swinging and fell asleep in about 5 mins!
This has been the scene at our house for about two weeks now. We have had a horrible last couple of weeks. Thank you to EVERYONE for sweet emails, texts and phone calls. Thank you to my parents for all their help with the girls. Thank you to the Woodrows for watching Kinley on such short notice when we headed to the ER. Thanks to Belinda (Grandma) for bringing much needed Diapers, wipes and diaper cream! I was sick and if Chris was home it was nice him there so it was a LIFESAVER when other people would go get us things!
The girls have had a interesting last week and a half! It all started last week, Madelyn started having YUCKY diapers. A TON of them…I started doing the BRAT diet (Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast diet) and pedialyte. It finally got better. Kinley had a few bad diapers but never got as bad as Maddie. Fast forward a few days…The girls and I were headed for to play with the Steece quads, and Kinley started complaining her teeth hurt. Totally confused by this, I turned around in the car and she was GREEN. She started throwing up everywhere! I cleaned her up and headed home. She was clingy all day and got sick a few more times but seem better by the next day. Fast forwarded three days….Sunday morning, I go to pick the girls up from the nursery at church and Madelyn isn’t wearing the leggings I had her in when I dropped her off. I knew it as soon as I saw that…Here we go again!!! I was right, Madelyn was having diarrhea again. So for the past two days we have had a LOT of clothes changes, popsicles, baths, and gone through a ton of diapers and wipes.
After church…
Kinley ended up getting it too…I think we are finally on the up hill. I sure hope so, because I have no idea how much more we can take.
Poor Madelyn!
Kinley, watching cartoons! (we have watched a ton of movies)
I am hoping they will be better soon! I thought about potty training the girls this week…ha! Glad I didn’t now!
We have been having such great weather so Ashley and I decided to pack up the kids and head to the zoo! Last time we went it was so crowded and we wanted to go on a less crowded day…It was a great day to go!
We got to stand and watch the monkeys for quite a while. As you can see there is a little girl holding TIGHTLY on to Ashley…that would be Kinley. She is afraid of everything. She is still talking about the monkeys though. Carter and Madelyn loved it!
More Monkey watching!
Still not quite sure about the Monkeys!
We Saw tons of Animals! They all three seemed to really enjoy it this time! Kinley even warmed up a little!
Carter and Ashley!
Madelyn and Kinley (not sure why Madelyn had her blanket around her like that…she is becoming attached to blankets again)
Don’t know if you can really tell but there are giraffes in the background but the kids were WAY more excited about the ducks…of course!
We had a wonderful time at the zoo and I know we will go back soon!!! The girls are free till 3!