Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Someone to play with…

One of thousand things people have said since we had twins is “at least they have each other to play with” Ha, Until the last couple of weeks my girls didn’t really do this. They played together in a room, not with each other. Don’t get me wrong, they fought over toys but nothing much like playing together. Seriously sometimes I wondered if they would ever truly play together.

Until lately…we have caught them actually playing together! Such a sweet thing to witness…

IMG_9968 IMG_9969 IMG_9976Check out how short K’s dress is…she is a weed! She is growing so tall. Too bad pants NEVER fit her in the waist! They are usually both still wearing 6 to 9 month shorts. Madelyn is two inches shorter so it works! IMG_9979

They played for a while, pushing each other in the doll stroller! Yes, they even took turns, such a proud mama moment.


Julia said...

My girls do the exact same thing with their doll strollers! Sometimes I just sit back and watch them play. They will have entire conversations with each other and I won't understand a word but they know everything that is being said! So much fun!!

hannah said...

man those are some cute girls! One of my most favorite things in listening to m&s play with each other. it is the sweetest and cutest thing EVER, when they aren't fighting that is.

Celeste Smith said...

Ha! I thought about you yesterday while having a play date with R and her 15 month old friend. They fought and pushed and said "mine" and "no" to each other teh wholllllle time. Im glad to see that your girls are finally turning that corner! People always say about my girls "oh you are lucky to have built in help" oh yeah my almost ten year old can run this ship all on her own let me tell ya! Some days she is a help and some days she plays with R (when R was perfectly content playing by herself) then walks away and leaves a screaming mess! It all has it's give and take.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm both but which one first