We have spent most of this summer trying to stay cool...It is WAY too hot here to go outside for more than a few seconds unless you are in the water. (which we have done a lot of) We decided to go and visit the museum with our good friends. I was watching Christopher and Issac that week and so it was something fun for all ages.
I talked my good friend Amber into go with us... WAIT, I have to stop there and talk about her for a minute. It is so interesting that we became friends. She went to church with Chris growing up. I think Chris might have gone to prom or something like that with one of her sisters..lol! Anyways, She still attends church with my mother in law and gave us a very sweet gift when the girls were born...bows and the cutest outfit...and that is where it all began! She is the amazing woman behind all the cute bows M and K wear. I would call her up and take outfits over to match ribbon with... and now I think now we talk or text almost everyday! I have loved becoming better friends with her... She was once my bow lady and I am so glad I can call her my friend! I can't imagine my life without her...so Amber who has been out of town for a week and a half...it's time to come home!
Sadly I didn't get any pictures of her on this trip...we laughed because all the thousands of times we have hung out this was one of the first times we brought a camera!
Our group!
First we decided to hit up the dino dig, which is outside...we had to get that in during the morning!
The little kids watching the big kids dig
They all had a really good time digging in the sand
Alright the little kids had enough watching!
Sam...the girls call him "bubba" Madelyn first real word actually!
The girls LOVED the childrens museum part
They had this little grocery store that the kids could play in...OMG, I think the girls could have spent ALL day in there.
My Sweet Madelyn's, dream world...baskets to carry things around it.
The girl organizes everything
K, getting on in the action
This picture cracks me up...Amiya holding "bubba"
and looking like how much longer do we have to watch the babies in here.
Madelyn and Kinley cleaning the shelves.
Then they found the carts and it was over from there.
Madelyn looking at her loot and wanting to sort it all out I am sure...she is a little OCD.
Just like her Daddy...poor girl! lol
This picture explains my life...both girls going in different directions!
We had such a good time with our friends and can't wait to go again....Ok, Amber come home! LOL